BSARU April 2023 Update

BSARU update for April's edition of Kelso Life, written by Seymour Haugh. Featuring Base Update, Winter Skills training and item on Fuel Costs.

New Base Update

The electric meter did not get installed on the 7th of March as EDF now want the subcontractor to remove some of their equipment first as it is intended for heavier industrial use. Our Base Manager is involved in a back and forward conversation with both parties to establish exactly what is to be done. On a more positive note, disabled parking bays have been marked out. 

Winter Skills Training

Winter Skills training

Lack of availability of accommodation earlier in the new year meant our Winter Skills Training in the Northern Cairngorms was pushed into the second weekend of March. All the talk in February was about whether we would get enough snow for the training. As you will see this was not an issue, but all the fresh snow meant the avalanche risk was considerable. Accommodation was at Glenmore Lodge, the Scottish National Outdoor Training Centre, paid for by the BSARU, and donations covered the cost of two experienced mountain guides instructing on the Saturday. Team members funded their own meals for the weekend. 

On the Sunday the team covered an avalanche rescue scenario, involving the use of avalanche transceivers, a line of team members probing, and digging parties.

Reimbursement of Fuel Costs

Prior to the formation of Police Scotland, the separate police authorities had different ways of reimbursing teams for the expense of a call out. As no official policies can be found by Police Scotland on those methods a state of abeyance in refunding is in operation until the force decides what to do. This means that at present the team will need do absorb the fuel costs of attending incidents. Hopefully when a decision is reached the team will be able to claim, retrospectively, expenses incurred. 



Our Supporters

St Johns Ambulance Logo Scottish Mountain Rescue Amazon Smile

Contact Us

Write To: BSARU Secretary, Border Search and Rescue Unit, Carlaw Road, Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, Kelso, TD5 8AS