BSARU January 2023 Update

Article written by Seymour Haugh for Kelso Life - update on our new base, our First Aid training weekend, and latest event support with some advice on winter hill walking

New Base Update

The electric cable is installed and ready to connect but we need a supplier who will put in a meter and give us an account. This is proving problematic as several power companies have a hold on new contracts at present. The entrances are soon to be tarmacked and our groundwork contractor has completed some final adjustments. We await Scottish Water finalising our connection.

First Aid Training

First Aid Training

All members of a mountain rescue team must have a current first aid qualification. The external body providing training assesses and certifies candidates who then have valid certification for a period of 3 years. For 24 of our team the time had come to again spend a weekend on such a course. Our course was held at the Westruther village hall, which was large enough for lecture and practical sessions, and provided an outside environment discreet enough for accident scenarios to be undertaken by groups of team members. I am happy to report that all 24 participants passed the 40 question assessment paper.

Montane Cheviot Goat

Starting in Ingram, Northumberland, the Cheviot Goat Race is a 55 mile run over the Cheviot hills and takes in Windy Gyle, Cocklawfoot, Auchope Rig and Cheviot summit in addition to several tops further south of the Border. The team marshalled points on the Scottish side and Cheviot summit all day on Saturday 3rd finishing at around 10.00pm.

Winter Walking Advice

With shorter daylight and the likelihood of adverse weather conditions there are certain items that are even more essential. A whistle, spare torch or extra batteries, a group shelter, survival bag, extra clothing and extra gloves, a warm drink, and emergency food (only to be eaten in an emergency or once home). Mobile phones are always best kept charged for emergency use so use a map and compass. The Ordnance Survey OS locate is a useful app to have on your phone. With snow/ice an ice axe and crampons are essential. 

More advice is available on the Scottish Mountain Rescue Website.


Our Supporters

St Johns Ambulance Logo Scottish Mountain Rescue Amazon Smile

Contact Us

Write To: BSARU Secretary, Border Search and Rescue Unit, Carlaw Road, Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, Kelso, TD5 8AS