Article written by Seymour Haugh for Kelso Life, December 2022 edition. News of progress on our base, callouts, and Stevie Ross's amazing fund raising run
Doors and windows are in and plant room formed. Initial electrical fix done, and we will have power and light once Energetics carry out the necessary work to connect to an electrical supply. They completed the technical approval of the connection design, but we await them completing the work which has been a many months long process.
My November article covered how Mountain Rescue Teams are funded and readers may have asked what does this funding provide?
In 2021 SMR teams attended 669 incidents. An incident is a request for MR services and the resolution of an incident might need several callouts of a team or teams. The number of callouts for SMR teams in 2021 was 893 and MR volunteers gave up 31,799 hours of their time and rescued 715 persons.
The BSARU was involved in 22 of those incidents and team members gave up 1238 hours of their time. Of these 22 incidents, 9 involved searches for missing persons, with 1 continuation the following day, 8 involved casualty evacuations, 2 were searches for overdue hill walkers, 1 a major incident response to flooding and 3 involved fatalities.
In addition, the team members were put on standby on 6 occasions putting on hold plans until stood down. An impressive service from unpaid volunteers
Ex Kelso rugby player Stevie Ross completed a run of 102 miles from the source of the Tweed to its end at Spittal Point in the record breaking time of 26 hours 50 minutes. The run was undertaken to raise funds for the BSARU. Stevie’s wife Leeann, a team member, provided back up for the entire run.
Write To: BSARU Secretary, Border Search and Rescue Unit, Carlaw Road, Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, Kelso, TD5 8AS