Article written for Kelso Life by Seymour Haugh, talking about progress with our new Base, Training exercise with the new stretchers, and how MR is funded
Walkers have finished groundworks and tarring is next objective. Manufacturing slot for our windows and doors still uncertain. Electricity suppliers have finally been on site, and we await their approval of work done.
Using team members as a casualty a day was spent practicing wheeling, carrying, hauling, and lifting the new stretchers over steep terrain and occasional obstacles. The positives and negatives of each method from both the casualty and team members’ perspective were discussed to come up with possible solutions to issues experienced.
Scottish Mountain Rescue (SMR) is a charity which represents 25 civilian Mountain Rescue Teams (MRTs) and serves the 3 Police MRTs and 1 RAF MRT. Every civilian Mountain Rescue Team is an independent charity. Three
other civilian teams, through choice, are not members of SMR.
From 2011 the Scottish Government has paid a grant each year in recognition of the work carried out by Scottish Mountain Rescue Teams within Scotland. Currently the annual grant is £330,000. This is distributed to the civilian teams via a funding formula managed by Scottish Mountain Rescue. However, fund raising by the teams and supporters and donors provide most of the funds spent.
Locally the BSARU have been regular beneficiaries of donations from Charity Begins at Home and recently Kelso Market amongst others.
3 in 5 rescues are funded by donations from the public including gifts in wills.
1 in 5 rescues are funded by the volunteer team members, who as well as giving their time, often provide their own equipment and pay their own petrol to attend training and rescues.
1 in 5 rescues are funded by the Scottish Government Support.
St John Scotland have also provided significant funding towards major items of expenditure such as team bases and vehicles.
In addition, the UK Search and Rescue Training Fund supports the SMR National Training Programme.
Write To: BSARU Secretary, Border Search and Rescue Unit, Carlaw Road, Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, Kelso, TD5 8AS